America: A History

Your Ultimate Guide to US History
America: A History is a global community, where academic discussion meets agenda-setting debate, and we can't keep it up without your support!
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What started as a passion project between an American Studies grad and his former lecturers, now has the opportunity to grow into a global platform, where the smartest minds and biggest experts in the world come together to create game-changing content.

America: A History is only at the start of its journey, and we're asking you to support us for two reasons:

  1. We want to remain ad free, so the more we have from our listeners (that's you), the more we can keep the ads out.
  2. We want to level up, create more content, expand beyond podcasts and give you the most possible value.

We can't do these things without your support! One-off donations and your monthly support will be hugely appreciate, and if you can spare just £3 a month, you will enjoy early access content at least two days before the rest of the world.

As we grow, we can add more perks, so please support in any way you can and tell your friends, teachers, and pets to join the cause and help us make American history podcasts great again! #InPodWeTrust